3 Months and Counting

3 Months and Counting

Today marks the three-month anniversary of my starting my new job at Intercept. On the first of June this year I joined Intercept as a Continuous Improvement Consultant, in a hope to increase my experience of Azure services. This hope has certainly been realised.


Who are Intercept

Intercept are an Azure Expert MSP and Gold Partner who specialise in providing services and support for Independent Software Vendors. They have a number of experts specialising the various aspects of Azure including three Microsoft MVPs and a few more MCTs, working as a team to provide consultancy and support to their customers.

For more information you can find it on the website, on LinkedIn or on YouTube via Intercept Insights.

Find your Tribe

Whilst searching for my next step, I listened to a podcast series from Will Rowe called Careering out of Control. In the 9 episode run he interviews Microsoft MVPs about their careers and the main takeaways from their experiences. Between this series and his ebook one of the main takeaways I took was to “Find your tribe”. To put it another way is to find a company of like minded people where you feel you belong.

Over the last 3 months it definitely feels like I have found a group of people that have similar goals of always learning, improving and stretching themselves.

Imposter Syndrome

Dan mentioned this in his one-month post too, but starting at Intercept I also had a large bout of imposter syndrome. With my previous role being focused on VMware and other on-premises hardware my practical Azure skills were rusty and I had some apprehension about moving into the world of MSPs from internal support.

Any concerns I had soon evaporated, the support and enthusiasm of everyone at Intercept infectious, while there is a lot of things to learn knowing that I have access to ask a team of people about any issue I have, is deeply reassuring.

Further Reading