Azure Storage - Data Security and Authentication

Azure Storage - Data Security and Authentication

Previously in the series, we have concentrated on the types of storage accounts available and their various roles. Now we are going to look at how to ensure that your data is secure and only services you have authorized can access it.


The data stored with Azure storage is encrypted at rest by default. The data is decrypted transparently when you or your authorized services access it. All data tiers and redundancy options have encryption enabled to ensure your data is secure. This encryption extends to the object metadata as well.

The default configuration uses a Microsoft service to manage the encryption keys for your storage accounts. This management is all done behind the scenes with no direct involvement. You can, however, enable customer-managed keys. This gives additional flexibility and auditing capabilities as required. These custom keys can be generated and managed using Azure Key Vault.

On top of the storage account encryption, full disk encryption is available for the virtual hard disks of your virtual machines. This also integrates into Azure Key Vault for managing the keys but uses industry-standard Full Disk Encryption technologies for the specific operating systems.

As previously discussed, the individual data objects can be accessed by URIs, so depending on your authorization policies, your data can be exposed directly to the internet.

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